1)(Genesis 20:1-7)
The Philistine King Abimelech has a dream where God comes to him, and warned him for stealing Sarah away from Abraham, her husband.
Abimelech protests that he thought that Sarah was Abraham’s sister, but is so disturbed by his nocturnal visitation that he immediately gives Sarah back when he awakens.
God can visit your oppressors and warn them on your behalf.
Say after me:
1)O lord my God visit my oppressor and terrify them in Jesus name.
2)O lord my God invade the dream life of my stubborn pursuers and terrorize them in Jesus name.
2)(Genesis 28:12)
The next dream occurs when Jacob is fleeing from his brother Esau,and falls into a supernatural sleep while he’s making his way out of Israel, to neighboring Haran.
Jacob dreams of a ladder: ‘set in the earth, and its head reached the heavens, and behold, angels of God were going up and down on it.
God can encounter us in dreams with his blessings of Open heaven and angelic visitation and ministration.
Say after me:
1)O lord give me the encounter of your open heaven in Jesus name.
2)Send your Angels to minister to my needs in my next dream in Jesus name.
3)(Genesis 30:25 – 31:17)
Jacob also has the next dream:
This time, an angel of God appears to him and tells him how to work things out with the sheep he’s guarding for his tricky father-in-law, Laban, to ensure that he’s going to get paid his dues.
Jacob’s wage was meant to be all the discolored sheep, but his dishonest father-in-law tried to cheat him by removing all the discolored sheep from the flock, and leaving Jacob only the white sheep to shepherd.
In the same dream, the angel also tells Jacob it’s time to leave Haran, and go back to Eretz Israel.
God gave Jacob a wealth transfer code or secret.
Jacob was showed what he must do to get his unpaid wages.
Say After Me:
1)O lord show me my wealth transfer dream in Jesus name.
2)O lord show me what I must do to breakthrough in Jesus name.
3)HolySpirit of God show me the secret of my major turn around in Jesus name.
4)(Genesis 31: 22-24)
Laban, Jacob’s father-in-law has the next dream, while he’s busy pursuing his son-in-law in order to try to force him to return to Haran.
God shows up in a dream,and tells Laban that he should do ‘neither good or bad’ to Jacob.
God can discourage your enemies from pursuing after you.
God can hinder and terrify your sworn enemies.
Say after me:
1)My fathers God show up in the dream of my stubborn enemies and hinder them in Jesus name.
5)(Genesis 37: 5-7)
Joseph, Jacob’s son, dreams that he’s binding sheaves of wheat with his brothers in the field, when suddenly his sheaf stands straight, while those of his brothers’ bow down to him.
Joseph shares his dream with his brothers, and they are seriously unimpressed with what they believe to be his ‘delusions of grandeur’.
God can show us dreams of our glorious future.
God wants us to be positive about our destiny.
Say after me:
1)O lord my God show me the glorious dream of my future in Jesus name.
2)I receive the wisdom of the HolySpirit to handle my revelation with discretion in Jesus name.
6)(Genesis 37:9)
Joseph has another dream, along the same lines: This time, he sees the sun, moon and 11 stars bowing down to him.
Joseph tells his dream to his father, Jacob, who tries to play it down, but secretly believes that it’s a prophetic vision, and that it will eventually come true.
When God repeat same dream to us, he is making emphasis and underlining the importance of the communication.
Such dreams must be taken very seriously.
Say after me
1)I receive grace to run with my divine revelation in Jesus name.
(7 &8)
(Genesis 40: 7-8).
Dream number 7 and dream number 8 occurs in the dingiest Egyptian prison, where Joseph ends up after being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, and then being falsely accused of attacking his master’s wife.
10 years’ after Joseph’s been sitting in prison, two royal ministers show up, and each has a dream that they need Joseph’s help to interpret.
He correctly interprets that Pharoah is going to execute his official baker, but reinstate his official wine steward – and so it comes to pass.
When we are agitated over an issue it sometimes bring heaven’s attention.
God will often show us dreams about the issues of our concern.
Say after me:
1)Evil dreams will not come to past in my life in Jesus name.
2)Evil plans and machinations shall fail over my life in Jesus name.
(9 & 10)
(Genesis 41:1-7).
Pharoah, the undisputed ruler of the ancient world. (Interestingly, Jewish sources explain that Pharoah actually had the same two dreams night after night for two whole years, before he actually remembered them upon waking.)
And what are the dreams that Pharoah had?
In the first one, he dreams that seven fat cows emerge from the Nile river (that the Egyptians worshipped as a deity, and that was a powerful symbol of Egyptian wealth and bounty), but are then swallowed up by the seven emaciated cows that follow them.
Next, he dreams that seven fat, plump kernels of grain are somehow swallowed up by the seven wind-blasted ears of grain that follow. Pharoah awakens enormously disturbed, and starts combing the kingdom for someone to tell him the meaning of his dreams.
The wine steward belatedly remembers how Joseph helped him out when he was in prison, and Pharoah has him rushed to the palace.
Joseph correctly interprets the dream for the king, and Pharoah is so impressed that he makes this erstwhile Hebrew slave the defacto ruler of Egypt.
God will usually warn of impeding danger .
God will communicate in dreams to the stake holders for our actions.
Say after me:
1)O lord let my good dreams come to past in Jesus name.
2)Anointing of God to manifest destiny rest upon me now in Jesus.
A dream that’s seen in the early morning
• A dream that someone has about somebody else.
• A dream that contains its interpretation, as part of the dream.
• A dream that is repeated (i.e, the dreamer has it on a number of repeated occasions)