1)[A baby died in your dream]
-That you are about to lose something you treasure from the infant stage.
2)[Wearing a rag]
-Nobody needs to tell you that this is the spirit of poverty and lack.
3)[Find yourself in a filthy environment with faeces and dirty things around you]
-That the enemy is trying to disqualify you from prospective blessings.
-The spirit of hatred and dislike must be banished out of your life.
-Could also mean that you need to watch your the quality of your life. Are you living a pure life ?
4)[Being naked in the dream]
–The enemy wants to cause disgrace and insecurity.
-It could also mean that your glory is endangered.
5)[Wedding ring and wedding gown stolen or torn or something bad happens to them]
– There is a fierce attack on your marriage.
6)[House being burgled and things being stolen]
-The enemy is trying to introduce spiritual emptiness into your life.
-The enemy is planning to plunder your life.
7)[A child is missing]
– you have to pray hard for that child not to die.
8)[As a woman your hair is shaved]
–You need to pray for the enemy not to kill your husband.
-Your glory is under Severe attack.
9)[dreaming of masquerades]
–That is witchcraft and ancestral spirits pursuing you.
-These are familiar persons disguised to harm you.
10)[dogs licking your hands and body]
–These is the activity of sexual demons.
-Enemy wants you to fall into sexual sin.
11)[being attacked by cats and dogs ]
–This is a vicious witchcraft attack against you.
12)[serpent biting you]
– The enemy is poisoning your life.
-There is deception viciously going on in your life.
13)[seeing crocodile]
– the spirit of Leviathan is trying to disturb you emotionally, mentally and physically.
14)[losing money,ATM or Cheque book]
– this is an attack on your finance.
15)[somebody issuing curses on you in the dream]
– it means that forces of affliction and oppression are pursuing your life.
-You must wage war against the battle of sepulcher throats and evil tongues.
16)[bleeding through the nose or any other part of the body]
– this is witchcraft attack against your health.
17)[being in the marketplace where sometimes you buy things and other times you don’t]
-There is a demonic exchange going on against you.
–The enemy is trying to enslave you,
-It may also be an attack against your mental health.
18)[having sex in the dream]
– this is a sign that you have a spirit spouse.
-It is proof that there is an hidden covenant in your life that must be broken.
19)[going back to your childhood days]
– it means the enemy wants to introduce demotion, retardation and backwardness into your life.
20)[dying in the dream or seeing a coffin]
– this could mean death in various ways: financial, marital, spiritual.
-It may also mean that the spirit of death has been sent against you.
21)[seeing corpses, talking with dead people, conversing dead relatives]
– the forces of death coming into the person’s life.
22)[being pursued in the dream by animals ]
– it means there is impeding troubles and problems being planned against you.
23)[seeing bats and owls]
– it means hypocrites are working against you and the spirit and forces of the night are also pursuing you.
24)[seeing cobwebs]
– this is the spirit of rejection and disfavour.
25)[wearing wigs in the dream]
–This is an evidence of fake glory.
-God may be pointing your attention to the need to be real. Be yourself.
26)[being handcuffed]
– it means the enemy is putting his curse on your labour.
27)[roaming in the jungle]
-The enemy wants to make you sweat and gather nothing.
-There is a venture that you are involved in that the enemy wants it to end in futility.
28)[seeing padlocks]
-it means that certain areas of your life have been locked up.
-There is an embargo or siege to be destroyed.
29)[seeing chains]
– this means a very serious trap is being set for you.
-The enemy is trying to stagnate your progress.
30)[always crying]
-it means that the enemy is planning serious sorrow for your life.
-There is a plan to make you lose something you treasure and can cause you to grieve.
31)[When you notice that whenever you are about to do anything that would give you a major breakthrough, a particular dream would occur and when they have this dream, that is the end of the breakthrough.
There are dream activators in your life that must be disconnected and destroyed.